Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What is the procedure for Company Registration in the USA?

To set up your Business as a registered Corporation in the United States of America, the aspirant must follow the below-stated procedure. The procedure mentioned is registering a Corporation as a Limited Liability Company in the USA. Let us explore the procedure for Company Registration in the USA in detail.

How to establish a Business in the USA?

Setting up a Business in the USA as a Foreigner

Choose & Reserve a Company Name for registration in USA 

Firstly, the registration applicant must decide on the name of its Corporation to register it with the US Corporate Authority.

Here are some of the recommendations for choosing and reserving a trading name for your Company in the US:

  • A company name must be unique
  • A company name must be dissimilar to any pre-existing company name in the USA
  • After choosing the name, register it as per the available repository at USPTO Office to ensure effective registration of the Company’s name
  • The Name Search requires dedicated research because of strict patent rights
  • US Laws are strict regarding the IPR protection of a registered Corporation


Choose the suitable Corporate Structure for your Proposed Company

The applicant’s promoters must choose an appropriate structure for the Company. He can decide on a suitable business structure based on the following parameters:

  • Target Demographic
  • Commercial Activities
  • Taxation Structure in the chosen Jurisdiction

The promoters must also decide which business structure would achieve their objectives as per their proposed business activities.


Application filing for the Company Registration in the USA

The Company Registration applicant must file for the Certificate of Incorporation with the State Secretary. The certificate must contain the relevant information related to the applicant, such as:

  • Chosen Trade name of the Business
  • Objective of the undertaken Business
  • Commercial Activities of the proposed Business
  • Official Address of the Registered Office
  • Official Address of the Headquarters
  • Capital as well as Fee Structure of the Corporation


Appointing a Registered Agent for the Company

A registered agent is appointed to handle the responsibility for communication and other related inquiries on Company’s behalf. Following are some of the duties of a Registered Agent:

  • He must be appointed as per the State of Incorporation
  • Non-Resident Incorporation must also appoint an Agent
  • Agent must be disciplinarily available during working hours
  • He is also reliable for receiving as well as signing documents
  • He must also attend to queries on Company’s behalf


Draft the By-Laws for the New Corporation

The US Authority mandates all newly registered corporations to prepare their By-Laws as per the stated regulations to act as internal rules or memos for operations for the Business’s internal functioning.


Appoint the First Directors for the new Company Registration in USA

Every new Incorporation must appoint its first directors after drafting the Bye-Laws:

  • Director must hold the First Board of Directors Meeting after Incorporation. The Board will remain in position till the conclusion of their Shareholder’s First Annual Meeting
  • The first directors can continue with their directorship after their period lapse


Assign the Company’s Stocks to the subscribed Shareholders

After the Director’s Appointment, the Company must issue individual stocks to its shareholders who invested in the Business.


Obtain the required permits for running an LLC in the USA

As per Company’s Corporate structure, the Company must obtain the licenses to carry out its commercial activities in the chosen province or state. The required permits must be acquired in time. Failure to get the permits can invite the imposition of heavy penalties from the State Authorities. 

To learn more about the Company formation in the USA and its  procedure on how to set up a Business in USA, connect with the Incorporation Experts at Registrationwala. We are one of the leading Legal Consultancy Firms in North America.

Also Read: Company Registration in Canada: Why must you opt for it?

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Company Registration in Canada: Why must you opt for it?

It is not a far-fetched dream to start your Business in Canada if you are not a Canadian National. It means a Foreign National or Organization can also open a Company in Canadian provinces. But for many, registering a Business with the Canadian Authority seems like a weird option. I am sure that they understand the benefits of running a Company in one of the world's most developed states. Still, they must be wary of knowing the benefits the Canadian Authority offers Foreign Entities for registering themselves as Commercial Firms in Canada. This article will accordingly detail the Company Registration aspirant of the advantages of running a Business in Canada.

Canadian Authority employs a low Corporate Tax Regime

Some countries have alarmingly high Corporate Taxes, which is a crucial factor for industries to thrive in that jurisdiction. Many Nations tax their corporations heavily to collect revenue for the interim public service. Here, Canada is a wealthy nation. Therefore, the Corporates need not be burdened with their progress. Hence, Businesses move to these corporate-friendly tax regime nations.

Lower Taxes yields Business Growth

Many Corporates choose a particular jurisdiction for starting their Business. Low tax rates save their surplus. This way, they can invest the surplus into the Business, which in turn contributes to the Business’s perpetual growth. To attract investors, Canada keeps the corporate tax rates considerably low. It ranges from 15% to 18%. This range makes Canada one of the most sought-after destinations for running a high-end business.


Canada is engaged in ample Free Trade Agreements

The Canadian Government is a signatory to numerous FTAs or Free Trade Agreements. These FTAs offer unhindered access to the Canadian markets. Over time, Canada has entered into prominent FTAs over the past decades to promote healthy competition in its Market, such as:

·         North American Free Trade Agreement

·         Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

·         EU's Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

Such Agreements give multiple access to large Canadian markets at their advantageous terms.


Intellectual Property Rights in relation to registered Businesses in Canada are strict

The Canadian Authority employs a robust regime to enforce its Intellectual Property Rights. These IPRs protect the innovations of registered Businesses. Also, the North American System vouches for improving as well as evolving itself continuously, making administrative processes simpler. Canada is an authorized signatory to the following International Intellectual Property Protection IPR Agreements:

·         Hague Agreement

·         The Madrid Protocol

·         Treaty of Singapore

·         NICE Agreement

·         WIPO's Patent Law Treaty


Canada boasts of Quality Infrastructure in a High-End Economy

As the tenth-largest economy in the world, Canada’s Per Capita Income is high. The Covid hit didn't hinder its operations because major business processes went online. Even during COVID, the unemployment levels in Canada were maintained below 5%.

The wage rate for quality labour in Canada is competitive compared to other nations. Such accomplishments make the citizens of Canada financially stable in a financially stable economy.


Canada sits on a pool of America's Natural Resources

As a North American Giant, Canada sits on a pool of the world’s major natural resources. It has the most freshwater lakes in the world and a vast amount of natural resources, which directly and indirectly fuel its economy. Some of the enormously available natural bounties in Canada are as follows:

·         Natural Gas

·         Crude Oil

·         Timber

·         Minerals

·         Coal

Canada boasts of both robust economic infrastructure as well as abundant natural resources. This makes it an ideal destination for businesses worldwide, making inroads in the global Market.

To learn more about the Company Registration in Canada and its benefits in Canada, connect with the Incorporation Experts at Registrationwala. We are one of the foremost Legal Service Providers in North America. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Company Registration in Dubai, USA & Canada

Company Registration in Dubai, USA & Canada - Registrationwala

Registering your Business as a Company in some of the developed Nations on the planet from the comfort of your homeland was a far-fetched dream a few decades ago. But that is not the issue today. Major developed Nations have realized the importance of incorporating Business Enterprises of Foreign Nationals in their Home States. This move stems from Corporate Friendly legislatures of some of the high-functioning Economies.

But a business idea but no defined procedure will take you nowhere. You need the assistance of an established Legal Firm to make you sail through the Company Registration Procedure in Foreign Land as per its Corporate Laws. Registrationwala is the exact aid that most young business startups are looking for. We provide holistic assistance to our clients in materializing their dream of running a Business in a Developed Economy.

So, if you are an Indian National, and a native of India, the USA, or Canada, and are interested in setting up a registered Business Firm in Dubai, the USA, or Canada, then you can apply for the Business Incorporation services at Registrationwala. Our seasoned professionals will provide holistic assistance to you throughout the following process:

For more information, register your basic details with us at our official web portal. We will connect with you in no time. 

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